Monday, January 23, 2006

a brief history of my education

I spent my first two years of college in Chapel Hill. I wanted to study art then, so I was taking some studio classes along with my general ed. Maybe this was the beginning of my interest in interdisciplinarity. Art makes you look at ideas in a wider view, and some of my teachers were inspirational in that they would never accept a lame idea, but demanded the expression of some knowledge. I missed the mountains so I came to ASU. I took Billy Schumann's Intro to SD class, halfway by chance, and loved it. It opened my eyes in so many ways, and seemed important to me, my life and my family. I am pretty interested in sustainable agriculture, partly becaseu my family's dairy farm went under when i was younger. it was hard for me to understand then why exactly that happened. Not until studying SD did I really start to understand why small farming has become something of the past. I have taken random classes to fill my requirements for the SD concentration, and I don't have any concrete plans for the future. I am taking 'energy issues in technology' this semester, and some spanish for my minor.I basically lost my art credits when I transferred, but I am hoping to integrate that into my senior project.

here is a link to my personal blog :

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