Monday, January 30, 2006

Evaluation of Research Guidlines in Law in Mnt. Top Removal

According to the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjectsof Biomedical and Behavioral Research, assessment of the justifiability of research should reflect at least the following considerations: (iv) When vulnerable populations are involved in research, the appropriateness of involving them should itself be demonstrated. A number of variables go into such judgments, including the nature and degree of risk, the condition of the particular population involved, and the nature and level of the anticipated benefits. I believe this MIGHT be applicable to my course of study because I would not hesitate to connote individuals involved in my research as being inherently vulnerable; taking into consideration this assessment's belief that those in economic minorities might be deemed as such. However, I am in no way taking advantage of their underpriviledged state for the availability of research participants. "To our social colleagues we have the responsibility to not engage in actions that impede their reasonable professional activities. Among other things, this means that, while respecting the needs, responsibilities, and legitimate proprietary interests of our sponsors we should not impede the flow of information about research outcomes and professional practice techniques. We shall accurately report the contributions of colleagues to our work. We shall not condone falsification or distortion by others. We should not prejudice communities or agencies against a colleague for reasons of personal gain." -SFAA Ethical Guidlines. I believe this statement to be applicable to my senior project due to the posibility that I might give an inherently negative portrayal of the failing legal suites enacted by certain environmental agencies. Just writing this makes me re-evaluate any negativity that I might offer towards a field outside my own expertise. Instead, I aim to replace that foolishness with a subjective portrayal which aims to cite areas I deem as perhapts faulty in a more appropriate, acedemically appreciated manner. I want to be proud of this project, not my own cynacism. In addition, I will keep in mind what I've learned throughout this review concerning informed consent; however, at this time I do not believe it to be a neccesary consideration seeing that I'm mainly speaking with attorneys. If I do chose to visit with individuals for interviews in the involved communities, obviously I'll take a differing course of action.

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